

NOBI = No Brain Injuries

NOBI is a Non-Profit Foundation dedicated to preventing BRAIN INJURIES through education
NOBI is developing a line of apparel designed for safety and injury prevention for action sports participants
NOBI works with action sports equipment manufacturers to promote safety in the action spots arena

Helmets, safety gear and equipment are our domain.  We work to research and develop new and innovative products and methods of ensuring action sports participants stay safe and are able to perform at the highest levels possible due to the use of  state of the art safety equipment, including helmets and body armour/protection.

  • For patients 45 and younger the most common cause of death is trauma and traumatic brain injury is the #1 killer
  • In more than 90% of cases the trauma was preventable
  • Even with all of the most advanced neurosurgical expertise, MRI’s and drugs…the real mainstay for brain injury programs is the plea for safety, care and prevention
  • Helmets are the most important part of these programs and they save lives


Dr. Rob Stuparyk


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